Simply put, people tend to trust personal recommendation and word of mouth. A customer’s voice and opinion inspire trust when it comes to the credibility of a brand or product. With the significant growth of social media platforms and the major impact they have on people’s lives, influencer marketing has become more and more valuable for businesses over time. According to studies, more and more companies are using influencer marketing to bring about a more powerful reach to their target customers. It is an alternative to traditional advertising and is quite efficient and affordable. Influencer marketing provides targeted exposure and traffic for a brand or product via trusted and popular persons in a specific industry. It is thus very cost-effective and its impact can be easily measured via engagement rates on social media, including the number of likes, shares and comments. Influencer marketing enhances your brand’s search rankings. The relevance of your brand or product in search engines rises, the more it is mentioned on social media. Studies have shown that the share of social media posts in search engine results has been increasing over time. Finally, the advantage that influencer marketing has vis-à-vis a regular advertisement is that it is free from ad blocking. Many internet users who can be potential customers of your brand or product, have installed ad blocking applications in order to avoid being annoyed by ads while surfing the net. In this sense, influencer marketing is not affected, as your potential customers are happy to hear out and follow their chosen influencers.