New Order
The Online Publishers "TOP" platform offers governments a unique opportunity to attract Foriegn Direct Investment (FDI) via powerful digital marketing campaigns that are structured to meet their economic aspirations. TOP partners with governments to address the various determinants of FDI and the opportunities that their countries have to offer, in order to guarantee worldwide online coverage to potential investor audience. This is achieved via TOP's comprehensive platform of content creation, journalism and digital marketing experts who enjoy lengthy experience in the fields of business and investment. The content creation and journalism services are offered in around 65 languages by native journalists and writers accross the globe.
TOP's content creation services address a country's specific FDI determinants and factors such as investment laws and regulations, government support, skilled workforce and business growth prospects, with the purpose of maximizing exposure of a country's economic development plans online, to guarantee FDI growth in the long term. TOP offers other services that compliment online content creation and journalism to boost FDI digital marketing campaigns to optimum levels. The services include content placement, advertisement placement, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and backlink management, among other.